Ingenieurbüro Klein is a consulting company that provides planning services in a competent and cost efficient way.
From the primary core business, engineering of control centres for utilities, we extended our engineering services. Today we provide planning and consulting for the following scope:
- Power system design and management
- Automation, control and instrumentation
- Heavy/power engineering
- Fine-tuning of business processes
- IT systems
- IT security
- Network training
According to the specific project requirements, we put together the ideal expert team out of our network of freelance assistants. An example is our cooperation with PlanDesign GmbH in designing control rooms.
We remain vendor-neutral, independent and self-financed partners for our clients, who are for example private and public utility companies and industrial companies.
Ingenieurbüro Klein was established in 1981 by Dipl.-Ing. Ewald Maximilian Klein in Dietzenbach, Germany, providing support and planning for control centres for utilities during engineering.
In 2002, Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Jost, the son of the company founder, assumed management of the firm, making Ingenieurbüro Klein a family held and managed company in the second generation.

1991 the company expanded its capacity and scope through the founding of Elektrotechnik GmbH, headquartered in Haßloch, Pfalz, Germany. Former Managing Partner Dieter Himmighöfer became sole shareholder in 2018 and introducing his son Dipl.- Ing. Marco Himmighöfer into the company is ensuring the continuity as well as the cooperative partnership between HIPLAN ( ) and Ingenieurbüro Klein.
Qualified staff
Gerhard Jost is a member of the following technical and scientific associations
- VDE Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. (Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies)
- DVGW Deutsche Vereinigung des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. (DVGW German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water)
He actively participates in the work of the following technical committees:
- “Schutz- und Automatisierungstechnik” (safety and automation) of the Information technology society and power engineering society within VDE
- “Zellulare Energiesysteme” (cellular energy systems) of the Information technology society and power engineering society within VDE
- Power system standardization commission (K952) of the DKE and its subcommittees
- working group 0.14 „Operative Netzführung”
- working group 0.15 „information security in grid and substation control“